Perennial Gardens

Tree, Shrub, Grass Combos

'Woodies' and grasses help form the structure of your landscape and ensure there are interesting design elements at work year round.  

Crabapple Tree with Max Frei Geranium
Crabapple Tree with Max Frei Geranium
Clethra, Yews and Hosta
Clethra, Yews and Hosta
Deutzia, Barberry and Dwarf Lilac
Deutzia, Barberry and Dwarf Lilac
Fernleaf Buckthorn and Hostas
Fernleaf Buckthorn and Hostas
Gold and Purple Smokebushes
Gold and Purple Smokebushes
Grasses and Fern Leaf Buckthorn
Grasses and Fern Leaf Buckthorn
Grasses and Roses
Grasses and Roses
Grasses, Roses, Juniper and Russian Sage
Grasses, Roses, Juniper and Russian Sage
Junipers and Grasses
Junipers and Grasses
Oak Tree with Shade Garden
Oak Tree with Shade Garden
Redbud Tree with Yews and Bulbs
Redbud Tree with Yews and Bulbs
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