Perennial Gardens

Perennial Gardens Plant Database

Botanical Name Common Name Category Ht. Sp. Form Exp. Leaf Color Flower Color Bloom Time Fruit Zone Comments General Plant Care
Acer buergeranum Maple, Trident Tree, Deciduous 25' 25'   Sun fall-orange to yellow to red         Winged samara in summer, fall color is late  
Acer ginnala Maple, Amur Tree, Deciduous 20' 20' Pyramidal to Rounded Sun to part shade fall-red to yellow to pink            
Acer nigrum 'Greencolumn' Maple, Greencolumn Tree, Deciduous 50' 30' Upright   fall color-apricot   April     Discovered by Bill Heard Wrap trunk from Nov to April until 4" cal. to help prevent sunscald on thin bark.  
Acer palmatum atropurpureum 'Bloodgood' Maple,  Japanese Bloodgood Tree, Deciduous 15' 8' Rounded Tolerant of light shade Crimson       5 One of the hardiest Japanese Maples Prune winter die-back as needed in early spring
Acer palmatum atropurpureum dissectum 'Crimson Queen' Maple, Japanese Crimson Queen Tree, Deciduous 8' 8' Irregular       April       Prune winter die-back as needed in early spring
Acer palmatum atropurpureum dissectum 'Tamukeyama' Maple, Japanese Tamukeyama Tree, Deciduous 8' 12' Weeping Protected site Deep purple, red in fall       5 Outstanding laceleaf weeper, holds its deep color through summer better than others. Prune winter die-back as needed in early spring.
Acer palmatum 'Ukigumo Maple, Japanese Ukigumo  Tree, Deciduous 6-12' 6' Irregular Part Shade Mottled green with a white/pink blush       5 to 10 Fall color can range from apricot to red Prune winter die-back as needed in early spring. Prefers moist to average soil.
Acer palmatum 'Wollf' Maple, Japanese Red Emperor  Tree, Deciduous 15' 15' Irregular Protected site Deep purple, red in fall Purple Spring   5 Also known as Emperor 1, one of the hardiest Japanese Maples Prune winter die-back as needed in early spring.
Acer platanoides 'Conquest' Maple, Conquest Tree, Deciduous             April       Wrap trunk from Nov to April until 4" cal. to help prevent sunscald on thin bark.  
Acer platanoides 'Crimson King' Maple, Crimson King Tree, Deciduous 25-40' 25-30' oval Sun deep purple, fall color- maroon/ reddish   April   4    
Acer platanoides 'Deborah' Maple, Deborah Tree, Deciduous 50' 50' Rounded   spring-bronze, summer-green   April       Wrap trunk from Nov to April until 4" cal. to help prevent sunscald on thin bark.  
Acer platanoides 'Emerald Lustre' Maple, Emerald Lustre Tree, Deciduous 50' 45'         April       Wrap trunk from Nov to April until 4" cal. to help prevent sunscald on thin bark.  
Acer platanoides 'Emerald Queen'  Maple, Emerald Queen Tree, Deciduous 50' 40' oval   deep green, fall color- yellow       4    
Acer platanoides 'Pond'  Maple, Emerald Luster Norway Tree, Deciduous 35-40' 20-25' rounded oval   medium green, fall color- yellow   April   3   Wrap trunk from Nov to April until 4" cal. to help prevent sunscald on thin bark.  
Acer platanoides 'Princeton Gold' Maple, Princeton Gold Tree, Deciduous 35' 30'     spring-gold, summer-lt. green   April       Wrap trunk from Nov to April until 4" cal. to help prevent sunscald on thin bark.  
Acer platanoides 'Royal Red' Maple, Royal Red Tree, Deciduous 45' 30'         April   4   Wrap trunk from Nov to April until 4" cal. to help prevent sunscald on thin bark.  
Acer rubrum 'Autumn Spire' Maple, Autumn Spire Tree, Deciduous 50' 20' Broad Columnar Sun Green, red in fall   April   3 Consistant early fall color, very hardy  
Acer rubrum 'Burgundy Belle' Maple, Burgundy Belle Tree, Deciduous 45' 35' Upright, oval   fall color-red Red April     Tolerates summer heat & wind, leaves do not droop, red petioles Wrap trunk from Nov to April until 4" cal. to help prevent sunscald on thin bark.  
Acer rubrum 'October Glory' Maple, October Glory Tree, Deciduous 40' 35' Oval Sun Green, red in fall Red April   5 Holds green leaves late, delaying the outstanding fall color  
Acer rubrum 'Red Sunset' Maple, Red Sunset Tree, Deciduous 35-45' 25-35' Rounded, pyramidal   fall color-red Red April   4 Not as resistant to scorch/tatter as 'Burgundy Belle', earlier fall color than 'October Glory' Wrap trunk from Nov to April until 4" cal. to help prevent sunscald on thin bark.  
Acer saccharum 'Bailsta' Maple, Fall Fiesta Tree, Deciduous 60' 40' Broad Oval Sun topart shade Fall-red, yellow, & orange mix Greenish yellow April   4 Leathery foliage rsistant to scorch. Very symmetrical crown at maturity Wrap trunk from Nov to April until 4" cal. to help prevent sunscald on thin bark.  
Acer saccharum 'Bonfire' Maple, Bonfire Tree, Deciduous 60' 45' Rounded   fall-red Greenish yellow April     Leathery foliage, disappointing fall color Wrap trunk from Nov to April until 4" cal. to help prevent sunscald on thin bark.  
Acer saccharum 'Commemoration' Maple, Commemoration Tree, Deciduous 50' 35' Oval   Green, yellow to orange to red in fall         One of the best sugar maples, fast growing, tatter and scorch resistant, early fall color Wrap trunk from Nov to April until 4" cal. to help prevent sunscald on thin bark.  
Acer saccharum 'Green Mountain' Maple, Green Mountain Tree, Deciduous 40' 30' Pyramidal       April     Leathery foliage resistant to scorch, tolerates heat, inferior to 'Legacy' and 'Commemoration' Wrap trunk from Nov to April until 4" cal. to help prevent sunscald on thin bark.  
Acer saccharum 'Legacy' Maple, Legacy Tree, Deciduous 50' 45' Rounded, dense oval   summer-glossy green, fall-yellow to orange to red Greenish yellow April     Dk green tatter free leaves, clean foliage holds into late fall, one of the best of all sugar maples Wrap trunk from Nov to April until 4" cal. to help prevent sunscald on thin bark.  
Acer saccharum 'Majesty' Maple, Majesty Tree, Deciduous 80' 50' Upright   green, orange to red in fall Greenish yellow April     Also known as 'Flax Mill Majesty', resistant to sun scald and frost crack, fast-growing Wrap trunk from Nov to April until 4" cal. to help prevent sunscald on thin bark.  
Acer saccharum 'Monumentale' Maple, Temple's Upright Tree, Deciduous 60' 17' Columnar       April     Better form than Newton Sentry' maintaining a central leader  
Acer truncatum Maple, Purpleblow Tree, Deciduous 20-25' 20' Rounded   fall-yellow to orange to red   April       Prune winter die-back as needed in early spring
Acer truncatum 'Norwegian Sunset' Maple, Norwegian Sunset Tree, Deciduous 35' 25' Upright   fall-bright red   April       Wrap trunk from Nov to April until 4" cal. to help prevent sunscald on thin bark.  
Acer x freemanii 'Armstrong' Maple, Armstrong Tree, Deciduous 50-70' 15' Columnar, oval   Green, red in fall Red April     Thin bark Wrap trunk from Nov to April until 4" cal. to help prevent sunscald on thin bark.  
Acer rubrum 'Brandywine' Maple, Brandywine Tree, Deciduous 40' 30' Oval   Dark Green, deep red in fall Red April Seedless 4 to 8 Cross between 'October Glory' & 'Autumn Flame',  Wrap trunk from Nov to April until 4" cal. to help prevent sunscald on thin bark.  
Acer x freemanii 'Celebration' Maple, Celebration Tree, Deciduous 45' 20-25' Upright       April       Wrap trunk from Nov to April until 4" cal. to help prevent sunscald on thin bark.  
Acer x freemanii 'Jeffersred' Maple, Autumn Blaze Tree, Deciduous 40' 40-50' oval, upright   Green, fall color- orange-red Red April Samara 4 Fast-growing Wrap trunk from Nov to April until 4" cal. to help prevent sunscald on thin bark.  
Acer x freemanii 'Marmo' Maple, Marmo Tree, Deciduous 50-70' 35-40' Oval   Green, red in fall Red April   4 Outstanding and long lasting fall color Wrap trunk from Nov to April until 4" cal. to help prevent sunscald on thin bark.  
Achillea 'Angelique' Yarrow, Angelique Perennial       Sun              
Achillea x 'Coronation Gold' Yarrow, Coronation Gold Perennial 3' 2' Upright Sun Silver gray Gold June-July   2 to 9    
Achillea 'Credo' Yarrow, Credo Perennial       Sun              
Achillea 'Heidi' Yarrow, Heidi Perennial       Sun              
Achillea 'Nana Compacta' Yarrow, Nana Compacta Perennial       Sun              
Achillea 'Red Beauty' Yarrow, Red Beauty Perennial       Sun              
Achillea 'The Pearl' Yarrow, The Pearl Perennial       Sun              
Achillea 'Walter Funcke' Yarrow, Walter Funcke Perennial 24-36" 18-24" Upright Sun Green Burnt orange June-July   3 to 7 Drought tolerant, excellent cut & dried flower, stays in a clump Deadhead to prolong bloom, cut stems down to foliage when done blooming, foliage remains attractive into winter, deadleaf in spring.
Achillea millefolium 'Summerwine' Yarrow, Summer Wine Perennial 24-36" 24-36" Rounded Sun Wooly Gray Burgundy June-Sept.   4 to 8 Drought tolerant, excellent cut & dried flower, stays in a clump Deadhead to prolong bloom, cut stems down to foliage when done blooming, foliage remains attractive into winter, deadleaf in spring.
Achillea x 'Moonshine' Yarrow, Moonshine Perennial 18-24" 18-24" Upright Sun Gray-green Sulfur yellow June-Sept.   3 to 7 Drought tolerant, excellent cut & dried flower, stays in a clump Deadhead to prolong bloom, cut stems down to foliage when done blooming, foliage remains attractive into winter, deadleaf in spring.
Achillea millefolium Terra Cotta Yarrow, Terra Cotta Perennial 2' 5' Spreading Sun Green Peach June-July   3 to 9 Drought tolerant, excellent cut & dried flower  
Aconitum 'Eleanor' Monkshood, Eleanor                        
Aconitum fischeri Monkshood, Azure Perennial 18-24" 12" Upright Part sun Dk green, glossy Lavender, blue Late summer -early fall   4 to 8 Strong stems don't require staking, deer/rabbit resistant. Toxic if ingested. Wash hands immediately after handling. Deadhead flowers after blooms are spent. Foliage can be left over winter and removed in spring. 
Aconitum napellus Monkshood, Common Perennial 36-42" 12" Upright Part sun Dark green Violet-blue Mid-late Summer   4 to 8 Attractive deeply divided foliage, deer/rabbit resistant   Toxic if ingested. Wash hands immediately after handling. Deadhead flowers after blooms are spent. Foliage can be left over winter and removed in spring. 
Aconitum 'Pink Sensation' Monkshood, Pink Sensation Perennial 36-40" 12" Upright Part sun Dark green Pale pink Mid-late Summer   4 to 8 Deer/rabbit resistant Toxic if ingested. Wash hands immediately after handling. Deadhead flowers after blooms are spent. Foliage can be left over winter and removed in spring. 
Aconitum 'Stainless Steel' Monkshood, Stainless Steel Perennial 36-42" 12" Upright Part sun Dark green Metalic blue Mid-late Summer   4 to 8 Attractive deeply divided foliage, deer/rabbit resistant   Toxic if ingested. Wash hands immediately after handling. Deadhead flowers after blooms are spent. Foliage can be left over winter and removed in spring. 
Acornus calamus Sweet Flag Perennial 2-3' 1.5-2'   Full sun to part shade   cream       Foliage releases cinnamon scent  
Aesculus parviflora Bottlebrush Buckeye Shrub, Deciduous 8-12' 8-12' Spreading Shade/Part Shade Green White June-July   4 to 8 Impressive shrub with large cylindrical flowers Maintain good moisture especially during heat/windy summer days.
Agastache rupestris Anise Hyssop Perennial 18-24"   Upright Full Sun Gray green Rosy orange Mid-late Summer   5 to 9 Fragrant foliage, blooms attract hummingbirds and butterflies. Deadhead as needed. Cut to ground after killing frost.
Ajuga 'Black Scallop' Ajuga, Black Scallop Perennial, Groundcover 6-8" 18-24" Spreading groundcover Sun to Part Shade Dark glossy  Blue Spikes April-May   3 to 9 Scalloped foliage tolerates full sun Avoid thick mulch to allow for spreading & avoid shallow rooting.  Ajuga is evergreen, do not prune for winter.
Ajuga reptans 'Burgundy Glow' Ajuga, Burgundy Glow Perennial, Groundcover 6-9" 12-18" Spreading groundcover Sun-Part Shade   Blue Spikes May-June   4 to 9 Walnut compatible, could die-back in harsh winters, tolerates poor soil. Avoid thick mulch to allow for spreading & avoid shallow rooting.  Ajuga is evergreen, do not prune for winter.
Ajuga reptans 'Catlin's Giant' Ajuga, Catlin's Giant Perennial, Groundcover 6-9" 12-18" Spreading groundcover Sun-Part Shade Green,Purple,Bronze large leaves in mounds Blue Spikes May-June   4 to 9 Walnut compatible, could die-back in harsh winters, tolerates poor soil. Avoid thick mulch to allow for spreading & avoid shallow rooting.  Ajuga is evergreen, do not prune for winter.
Ajuga reptans 'Chocolate Chip' Ajuga, Chocolate Chip Perennial, Groundcover 3-6" 12-18" Spreading groundcover Sun-Part Shade Green,Purple,Bronze mini leaves in tight clumps Blue Spikes May-June   4 to 9 Walnut compatible, could die-back in harsh winters, tolerates poor soil. Avoid thick mulch to allow for spreading & avoid shallow rooting.  Ajuga is evergreen, do not prune for winter.
Ajuga reptans 'Gaity' Ajuga, Gaity Perennial, Groundcover 3-6" 12-18" Spreading groundcover Sun-Shade Bronze purple leaves Lilac spikes May-June   4 to 9 Walnut compatible, could die-back in harsh winters, tolerates poor soil. Avoid thick mulch to allow for spreading & avoid shallow rooting.  Ajuga is evergreen, do not prune for winter.
Ajuga reptans 'Silver Queen' Ajuga, Silver Queen Perennial, Groundcover 3-6" 12-18" Spreading groundcover Shade- Part Sun Variegated  Blue April- June   4 to 8    
Ajuga x 'Toffee Chip' Ajuga, Toffee Chip Perennial, Groundcover 2-3" 2-3' Spreading groundcover Full-part sun Green with gold/cream edge Blue Spikes summer   4 to 9 Smaller, dense foliage, moderate grower for rock walls, between stepping stones or perennial borders. Avoid thick mulch to allow for spreading & avoid shallow rooting.  Ajuga is evergreen, do not prune for winter.
Alcea rosea Hollyhock Biennial 3-7' 3-4' Upright Full Sun Green Singe or double in a variety of colors June-Aug.   3 to 8 Biennial plants will act perennial if deadheaded. Susceptible to rust and Japanese beetles. Deadhead unless wanting to self-sow. Cut flower stalks to ground, remove yellow leaves as necessary, basal foliage can be left over winter.
Alchelmilla mollis Lady's Mantle Groundcover 12-18" 24" mound Part sun Green yellow-green Early Summer   4 to 7 Long blooming flowers, water droplets collect on foliage. Deadhead flowers stems back to center of plant, deadleaf as necessary in summer. Leave foliage over winter.
Allium 'Firmament' Allium, Firmament Bulb 24-30"   Lollipop Sun to part sun Green Silvery purple May-June   4 to 8 Round baseball sized blossom dries well Foliage will die back as flower matures
Allium giganteum Allium, giganteum Bulb 40-48"   Lollipop Sun to part sun Green Lilac purple May   4 to 8 Round softball sized blossom dries well Foliage will die back as flower matures
Allium senescens glaucum Allium, Corkscrew Perennial 6-12" 12" Mounded Sun to part sun Blue green Rosy Late Summer   3 to 9 Small ping-pong ball sized flowers, persistant foliage. Deadhead flowers when faded, divide every 5-7 years.
Allium 'Globemaster' Allium, Globemaster Bulb 30-36"   Lollipop Sun to part sun Green Silvery pink purple May-June   4 to 8 Round softball to volleyball sized blossom dries well Foliage will die back as flower matures
Allium 'Purple Sensation' Allium, Purple Sensation Bulb 20-30"   Lollipop Sun to part sun Green Violet purple May   3 to 8 Round baseball sized blossom dries well Foliage will die back as flower matures
Allium tanguticum 'Summer Beauty' Allium, 'Summer Beauty' Perennial 12-18" 18-24" Upright Sun Green Purple July-Aug.   5 to 8 Persist narrow foliage, seeds are sterile Deadhead flowers when faded, remove foliage after killing frost.
Alnus glutinosa Black Alder Tree, Deciduous 40-50' 25-40' Upright to rounded Sun/Pt. Sun Green, yellow in fall     Nutlets persist in winter 4 to 7 Thrives in wet soil.  
Amelanchier x grandiflora Serviceberry, Autumn Brilliance Tree, Deciduous 20' 15' Upright to rounded Sun/Part Shade Green, red to orange in fall White April Purplish-black edible 4 to 9 Available in clump or single trunk form; blooms before fully leafed out. Prune dead or crossing branches as needed.  May want to protect trunk from winter damage by rabbits. You can pick the delicious fruit if not eaten by birds.
Ampelopsis brevipedunculata 'Elegans' Porcelain Vine, Variegated Vine 10-25'     Sun to part sun Green with white  White   Berries vary from pale lilac to bright turquoise 4 to 8 Petioles and new growth are pink May need assistance initially to be trained on trellis. Remove any stems that have died back after winter.
Amsonia x 'Blue Ice' Amsonia, Blue Ice Perennial 12-18" 18-24" Rounded Sun/Pt. Sun Green, turns golden orange in fall Light blue April-May   4 to 9 Narrow leaves line stem like bottlebrushes. Great fall color. Cut back by one third after flowering to prevent seeding and to shape. Leave up for winter interest and cut down in spring. 
Amsonia hubrichtii Narrow Leaf Blue Star Flower Perennial 24-36" 24-36" Upright Sun/Pt. Sun Green, turns golden orange in fall Light blue April-May   9-May Narrow feathery foliage, golden yellow in fall. Cut back by one third after flowering to prevent seeding and to shape. Leave up for winter interest and cut down in spring. 
Amsonia tabernaemontana  Willow Leaf Blue Star Flower Perennial 24-36" 24-36" Rounded Sun/Pt. Sun Green, turns golden orange in fall Light blue April-June   3 to 9 Lance-shaped leaves Cut back by one third after flowering to prevent seeding and to shape. Leave up for winter interest and cut down in spring. 
Andropogon gerardii Blue Stem, Big Grass 5-6'/5'   clump Sun silver blue Purple August-Sept.        
Anemone  x 'Honorine Jobert' Anemone, Honorine Jobert Perennial 3-4' 2-3'   Sun- Part Shade Green White Aug-Oct.   4 to 9 Morning sun is preferred to afternoon in hot locations. Avoid transplanting in fall. Does not require deadheading to prolong bloom, cut down after hard frost to prevent seeding.
Anemone hupehensis 'September Charm' Anemone, September Charm Perennial 24-36" 24-36" clump Part sun Green Rose-pink w/ silver and mauve Jun-Sept   4 to 8 Morning sun is preferred to afternoon in hot locations. Avoid transplanting in fall. Does not require deadheading to prolong bloom, cut down after hard frost to prevent seeding.
Anemone sylvestris 'Snowdrop' Anemone, Snowdrop Perennial 12-15" 2'   Sun-Part Shade Green White May   9-Apr Wooly seed heads, good for naturalization of woods Deadhead if seedlings is not desired.
Anemone tomentosa 'Robustissima' Anemone, Robustissima Perennial 3-4' 2-3'   Sun-Part Shade Green Pink Aug.-Oct   4 to 9 Morning sun is preferred to afternoon in hot locations. Avoid transplanting in fall. Does not require deadheading to prolong bloom, cut down after hard frost to prevent seeding.
Aquilegia chrysantha 'Denver Gold' Columbine, Denver Gold Perennial  30" 30"   Full sun to part shade Green Yellow May   3 to 9 Blooms heavily in the spring and may rebloom in the summer and fall, especially long spurs Deadhead flowers to prolong bloom and may repeat if flower stems are cut back.  Remove foliage if diseased and after killing freeze.
Aronia arbutifolia 'Brilliantissima' Chokeberry, Brilliant Red  Shrub 6-9' 5-8'
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